Company History

EduNational LLC is a certified MWOSB (minority women-owned small business) incorporated in the state of New York in 2007. We began as a consultancy to address the academic needs of exceptional children and evolved into an artificial intelligence company to develop AI programs for the treatment of neurological conditions.

Origin and Scope

Right from the start we designed our own EduNational® tests to evaluate language, cognition, and areas of talent, and thus built our own intervention programs. The children and young adults we served had a diversity of conditions: from dyslexia and learning disabilities, language disorders, ADHD and autism to giftedness and twice-exceptionality. We started by serving various areas in upstate New York and subsequently expanded throughout the Hudson Valley.

Dyslexia Pilot

For the first six years, we developed EduNational® tests into game prototypes. In 2014, we conducted the original pilot dyslexia study using these prototypes at a Junior High in Dutchess County, NY. Study participants were struggling readers in Special Education. After our three-month intervention, participants in our program improved more than controls. Gains were statistically significant. A surprising number of our program users achieved Honors and High Honors in High School, too.

AI Patents

In 2014, we applied for patents for our AI technologies for diagnosis and treatment of language-related neurological disorders. In the ensuing years, the U.S., China, Japan, and Korea granted these patents, with others pending. These patents protect the innovative way in which EduNational’s AI systems design and deliver evaluations and interventions autonomously without any human assistance.

Dysolve® AI

We custom-built our autonomous AI system for dyslexia and other learning disabilities and named it Dysolve®. By 2017, our game based Dysolve® AI Platform was ready for beta testing. Subscriptions from users across the U.S. funded the company’s ongoing Dysolve® platform building.

The first Dysolve® beta testers with dyslexia succeeded in passing school standardized and state reading assessments after only one or two years of Dysolve®. Once again, many of them achieved Honors and High Honors. Their successes were documented in our well-received book, Dyslexia Dissolved: Successful Cases of Learning Disabilities, ADHD and Language Disorders, which was published in 2018 and listed in BookAuthority.

Clinical Trial

We completed the Dysolve® AI School Platform in 2023–in time for the clinical trial. EduNational® partnered with the Center for Research in Education and Social Policy (CRESP), University of Delaware. CRESP regularly conducts grant studies for federal agencies, such as the U.S. Department of Education, the National Institutes of Health, and the National Science Foundation. CRESP serves as an independent evaluator of Dysolve®, ensuring that CRESP-designed randomized controlled trial meets Institute of Education Sciences standards. The trial runs from 2022-25. Participating schools are located in New York, Louisiana, Kansas, Illinois, Ohio, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Wisconsin, with ongoing recruitment nationwide.

Our Team

Our team includes experts in rare specialties necessary for our brain AI technologies and top talents in programming and design. Team members are now located in North America and Asia. And in 2020 we established EduNational Asia to manage our operations there.

Looking Ahead

In the years to come, EduNational® plans to deliver Dysolve® to all individuals who need to resolve dyslexia and other related conditions. In developing nascent products in education and healthcare, we will press ahead with our original, accomplishable mission to serve exceptional children and adults, only this time around the world using AI.

Mission and Values

We use our expertise creatively to identify and resolve academic problems so that every child has the most optimal opportunity to realize his or her full potential. We understand deeply how academic achievement can impact self-esteem, social relationships, and family life. Helping a child blossom into a capable, confident, and happy adult is a noble endeavor. As such, all facets of our enterprise embody this quality. We never waver on these core values.


We treat each family with understanding and kindness as we endeavor to help their children overcome their academic problems.


We respect each family’s needs, circumstances, and right to privacy and confidentiality. We explain in plain language why we recommend each step of the way.


With specialized knowledge, competence and confidence, we aim to help each student in a field heretofore saturated with competing beliefs and practices. We aim to help families get on track as quickly as possible so that they can return to enjoying their home lives.


We are committed to helping those willing to work with us toward resolving the academic problems affecting their children or students.

Our Vision

To solve the unsolved problems in education and healthcare with far-reaching impact on emotional, social, economic and clinical well-being.

Company Founders

EduNational® underwent two phases of development. First, when we began as a consultancy, EduNational LLC was founded by Dr. Coral PS Hoh. Dr. Hoh was hoping to use her PhD training in Linguistics to help children in her community facing linguistic and cognitive challenges. At the same time, the fieldwork enabled her to continue to study cognitive and brain sciences.

In working directly with children and families, Dr. Hoh came to realize the immensity of the clinical and societal problem posed by their conditions, such as dyslexia. She turned to artificial intelligence to solve these issues. Then, Evan Haruta joined Dr. Hoh as a co-founder of EduNational® when it became an AI firm. Both co-founders are diagnostic experts in areas critical to EduNational’s specialization in brain AI technologies. Together they wrote the book Dyslexia Dissolved: Successful Cases with Learning Disabilities, ADHD and Language Disorders.

Coral PS Hoh

CEO | PhD in Linguistics

Coral PS Hoh

CEO | PhD in Linguistics

Dr. Hoh is a clinical linguist who has devoted more than 30 years to helping children and adults with special academic needs. Many of the students she mentored achieved Honors or were admitted to top programs in institutions such as Columbia, Cornell, MIT, and the US Naval Academy. She served on an editorial board for the National Association for Gifted Children. Her studies on the linguistic ability of those outside the typical were published in leading peer-reviewed journals. As an author of first-of- its-kind studies, she was invited to referee for premier publishers in Linguistics, Education, and giftedness research, including Routledge and MIT Press. Her work was funded by the National Science Foundation. As one of the few experts in this area of clinical linguistics, Dr. Hoh also presents her findings at international conferences and to medical groups. She is the architect of the Dysolve® AI system and co-inventor of U.S. and international patents for computing technologies for the diagnosis and treatment of language-related disorders. She is Hudson Valley Magazine’s 2021 Women in Business award recipient and a frequent guest and writer for media outlets. She was invited by Psychology Today to be an author contributor, with her blog column Unlocking Language: AI as the key to solving dyslexia and other language-related disorders.

Evan Y Haruta

Director | MS in Mathematical Engineering

Evan Y Haruta

Director | MS in Mathematical Engineering

Mr. Haruta is a software engineer with more than 30 years of experience in diagnosing and resolving system crashes or emergency outages on large mainframe computers at IBM. These mainframes are used by the largest enterprises in the world for running mission-critical applications, such as banking and air transportation. He is a regular presenter at tech conventions for global companies in finance, healthcare, energy, transportation, retail, and service industries as well as federal agencies. Mr. Haruta helped to develop, and has taught, diagnostics, programming, and certification courses worldwide. He has also shared his expertise through a leading tech publication. He served on the IBM Patent Review Board to evaluate new computing technologies. His expertise in problem mitigation, evaluation and resolution in large-scale computing is particularly suited to meet EduNational’s AI needs for scalability and real-time analytics. He ensures that EduNational’s AI systems meet rigorous standards for functionality, reliability, efficiency, and security. And the Dysolve® AI Platform has experienced no outages or downtime since its original launch in 2017.

Advisory Council

Kyoichi Haruta, PhD

Kyoichi Haruta is a pioneer in hardware and software research at Bell Labs with a PhD in Physics from MIT. During a career that spanned over 4 decades, Dr. Haruta developed numerous novel and cutting-edge software programs for computer chip design at AT & T and Lucent Technologies. He utilized and distributed his proprietary software programs within these corporations, and gave talks at such institutions as Carnegie Mellon University on quartz crystal devices developed for telephone and satellite transmissions. He also earned patents in this area and was named a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff at Bell Labs.

Dr. Haruta recently taught programming languages to Agere Systems personnel across the US and in Shanghai, Bangalore, Singapore, and Sydney. His innate curiosity in the transformation of physical states for human benefit continues to spur him to stay involved in leading-edge innovations through his mentoring of rising entrepreneurs in the tech industry.

C. Ryan Kinlaw, PhD

Ryan Kinlaw has a lifelong interest in beliefs and behaviors related to school and schooling. Driven to understand individual differences and developmental patterns, Dr. Kinlaw earned an MEd in Human Development and Psychology from Harvard University and a PhD in Developmental Psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. With his research training in developmental analyses, Dr. Kinlaw has conducted research on children’s beliefs about intelligence and on the influence of gender, race/ethnicity, family, and culture on achievement beliefs, striving, and performance. He has published his work in periodicals such as the Journal of Educational Psychology, the Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, Developmental Review, and the European Journal of Psychology of Education and has presented his work at national and international conferences.

Dr. Kinlaw maintains memberships in several education- and development-related professional organizations such as the American Educational Research Association and the Society for Research in Child Development. He regularly serves as a reviewer of conference presentations for such associations and of manuscripts for leading journals. Over the past 20+ years, Dr. Kinlaw has taught across multiple contexts of post-secondary education—community college, liberal arts college, research university—and always seeks to apply what he has learned from his research on sources of academic motivation to his work in the classroom with students

Wen-yu Chiang, PhD

Wen-yu Chiang is Professor in the Graduate Institute of Linguistics of National Taiwan University. Dr. Chiang was visiting scholar to Harvard University and guest scholar to Kyoto University. Her theoretical and empirical research, including on cognition and the study of emotions, has been featured in international journals such as the Journal of Cognitive Linguistics, Metaphor and Symbol, Language and Linguistics, Oceanic Linguistics, and Lingua. An expert on Chinese Phonology, Dr. Chiang is the author of several books and recipient of prized literary awards. In 2000, she was a national award recipient in the 18th Annual Selection of Taiwan’s Ten Most Outstanding Young Women.

Kevin M. Gaugler, PhD

Kevin Gaugler has been researching the intersection between instructional technology and language acquisition for almost twenty years. His innovative methodologies have been featured in publications such as Campus Technology Magazine, The Language Educator and National Public Radio’s The Best of Our Knowledge. Dr. Gaugler was the 2010 recipient of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages prestigious Award for Excellence in Teaching with Technology. He is a frequent presenter at conferences worldwide and at invited speaking engagements at such institutions as Columbia, Brown, Georgetown, Harvard and Yale Universities.

Dr. Gaugler is particularly interested in promoting literacy through technological solutions. Dr. Gaugler has designed a software program that supports struggling readers of second languages and recently authored a book chapter on technology for a teacher’s handbook on language instruction. Dr. Gaugler continues to work with schools and universities to build unique learning opportunities through technology that prepare students for the challenges of the 21st century. One of his children joined the Dysolve® Program and attained academic success.

Deborah Furman, MS

Deborah Furman has a Master’s degree in Computer Science and has worked at IBM for over 25 years. As a Senior Software Engineer, Ms. Furman specializes in testing the z/OS operating system, which runs on the z Mainframe. She holds several patents in the field of software testing. She was accepted into the elite IBM Academy of Technology in 2018.

Ms. Furman has written several internal testing classes for IBM and has co-authored a college-level Enterprise Software Testing course. She is sought after as a mentor and teacher within IBM. Ms. Furman regularly volunteers during National Engineer’s Week to share her passion for engineering with elementary, middle and high school students. One of her children graduated from the Dysolve® pilot program and achieved High Honors in high school.

Frances M Gomes, BS

Frances Gomes brings 26 years of leadership and management experience to EduNational’s enterprise in Asia. Her former role as Head of Operations at AXA Affin Life Insurance prepares her well for EduNational’s ventures in the regulated fields of education and healthcare. She ensures that all key processes are customer-centric and meet exacting performance indices. A graduate of the University of Malaya with a BS in Mathematics, Ms. Gomes is instrumental in shaping EduNational Asia’s strategic directions, implementing novel business models and developing vital business relations.